About Refrigerators

The refrigerator is a magical box, smooth and silent on the outside, that nevertheless, when opened, explodes into a universe of shapes, relationships, and colors.

One day, when opening the refrigerator and seeing it filled only with lemons on all its shelves, I thought of photographing it. The result led me to observe the interiors of refrigerators with an appreciative eye for the aesthetic appeal of these (conserving?) cabinets of products.

After this first refrigerator “Lemon Refrigerator” (2003), I went on to create other images on different occasions and in different refrigerators. The vegetables in their bags that soften their colors, the shine of the plastics, the transparency of the bottles, the animal/capon that presides over Christmas Eve, the small fridge full of small products in which only the can of Coca-Cola gives us the scale (the empty refrigerator)...

Thus, the idea for the “Refrigerators” project took shape, and I began a spaced yet constant work.

The photographs presented in this exhibition are part of the work of this project, which remains open. The idea of “crisis” links well with certain images of “empty” refrigerators, both domestic-sized and industrial-scale for wholesalers.